

Casket is a lightweight framework intended to simplify the development of web apps in Retro.

Casket grew out of my work on the Corpse blog and later through work on the Rancid IRC log viewer.


Name Stack Usage
serve: """- Serve a file with a specific mime type
decode $- Decode a URL encoded string
dispatch - Look for a view handler (e.g., /index) and call it, or call /404 if none is found
doBeforeDispatch - Code to execute before processing paths. This is always called before dispatch.
/ - Default index page
/404 - Default 404 error page
withTemplate $- Include and render a template file using the tputs function
withFile $- Include and render a raw file
tputs ...$- This is a replacement for puts, which adds additional escape sequences for use with the templates.
eputs $- This is a replacement for puts, which escapes html entities for use with <pre> and such
Content-type: "- Generate a MIME header for a file or view
getFormData -$ Process a form and return the elements as a text string
getRequest - Internal: Read the PATH_INFO environment variable and parse for casket:path and casket:options
casket:url -a Function returning application url
casket:root -a Function returning path to application root
casket:form -a Internal buffer for form data
casket:buffer -a Internal buffer
casket:options -a Returns optional data following view)
casket:path -a Returns requested view (e.g., /index)



 needs casket'
 with casket'

: /index
   Content-type: text/html
   "index.erx" withTemplate ;

 : /test
   Content-type: text/html
   casket:options "test.erx" withTemplate ;

 [ ( -$ ) "/path/to/app/" ] is casket:root
 [ ( -$ ) "http://domain.ext/path/to/cgi" ] is casket:url
 &/index is /
 &dispatch is boot
 save bye


<body><h1>Test of Casket</h1>
<p><a href='%u/test/apple'>test apple</a>
   or <a href='%u/test/banana'>test banana</a>.</p>


<html>"  tputs
<body><h1>You requested...</h1>
<p>An %s.</p>