

This vocabulary will make Retro closer to a traditional Forth system. When it is visible, some things will be significantly different than in a standard Retro system, but it will also be easier to port existing Forth code.

Eventually this should provide a large subset of the ANS Forth standard, with the limitation that only lowercase function names are provided.



Strings in ANS Forth are represented either as counted, or address and length pairs.

This differs from the strings in Retro which are represented as null-terminated character arrays. So existing functions can't be directly used with strings created by the functions this vocabulary provides, and these functions can not be used freely with Retro strings.

For counted strings, you get a pointer to a structure in memory that looks like:


These can be unpacked into address/length pairs using count.


Function Stack Usage
if f- Start a conditional sequence
else - Start the second half of a conditional sequence
then - End a conditional sequence
0< n-f Return true flag if n is less than zero
0= n-f Return true flag if n is equal to zero
for n- Start a counted loop
next - End a counted loop
r@ -n Return a copy of the top item on the address stack
>r n- Push a value to the address stack
r> -n Pop a value off the address stack
2dup xy-xyxy Duplicate the top two items on the stack
emit c- Display a character
key -c Read a keypress
type an- Display n characters from string
spaces n- Display a series of spaces
state -a Same as compiler
['] "-a Return the address of a function. Compile-time version of '
recurse - Compile a call to the current function into the function
*/mod abc-rq Multiply a by b, then divide the results by c. Returns the remainder and the quotient.
rshift ab-c Shift bits right
lshift ab-c Shift bits left
fm/mod ab-mq Floored divide and remainder
sm/mod ab-mq Symmetric divide and remainder
c" "-a Parse and return a counted string
s" "-an Parse and return a string and its length
count a-an Convert a counted string to an addr/len pair
[ - Turn compiler off
] - Turn compiler on
char "-c Parse for and return an ASCII character
[char] "-c Compile-time version of char
lateBinding $- "on" binds names to functions after execution of ;, "off" binds immediately
pick ...n-..m Evil function to access arbitrary stack items
roll xu xu-1 ... x0 u -- xu-1 ... x0 xu Remove u. Rotate u+1 items on the top of the stack