

This library provides a vocabulary for generating hashes from strings.

Most documented hash functions leverage unsigned longs during computation. Here we use signed cells as unsigned words are not offered by Retro at the present time. So that we avoid returning negative hash values, hashing is filtered through abs. (Negative values emerge due to shifting into the sign bit.)

The hash-prime variable has been selected to provide a reasonable balance between clashing and key size -- this is to ensure that associative arrays built using hash don't need to allocate too much heap. This can be adjusted by revectoring hash in the [unlikely] event of large tables.


The following should suffice:

needs hash'


needs hash'
"hello" ^hash'hash


Name Stack Usage
djb2 $-n Generate a djb2 hash. This is the default option.
hash $-n Generate a hash from a string. Normally this is all you need to use.

Data Structures

Name Stack Usage
hash-prime -a Prime used by hashing algorithim