

While linked lists are a simple data structure, they are very useful. This vocabulary provides a foundation for creating and using them in a predicatable, consistent way.

The linkedList' vocabulary provides support for single linked lists.

Back Linked Lists

In this form a list consists of a series of nodes that each point to the prior node. The list pointer variable is updated with each add or remove to point to the newest node in the chain.


Creating A List

^linkedList'new: L

Adding A Value To A List

100 L ^linkList'add

Removing A Value From A List

L ^linkList'remove

Accessing A Specific Node

10 L ^linkList'nth


Name Stack Usage
node "- Structure for list nodes
.prior a-a Access prior node field
.value a-a Access value field
new: "- Create a list. This gives a variable pointing to a node structure
add nL- Add a value to a list. Allocates a new node
remove L-n Remove a node from a list and return its value
addNode NL- Add a node to a list
removeNode L-N Remove a node from a list. Returns the node
nth nL-N Return the nth node from the list. Indexing starts at 1.