---reveal--- Data: - Addr: - Float: - Switch to the exposed (public) portion of a lexical namespace. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all ; Data: - Addr: - Float: - End the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all [ Data: - Addr: - Float: - Begin a quotation. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all ] Data: - Addr: - Float: - End a quotation. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all again Data: - Addr: - Float: - Close an unconditional loop. Branches back to the prior `repeat`. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all bye Data: - Addr: - Float: - Exit Retro. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all call Data: a- Addr: - Float: - Call a function. Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all choose Data: fqq- Addr: - Float: - Execute q1 if the flag is true (-1) or q2 if the flag is false (0). Only these flags are valid when using `choose`; passing other values as flags will result in memory corruption. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all drop Data: n- Addr: - Float: - Discard the top value on the stack. Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all drop-pair Data: nn- Addr: - Float: - Remove top two items on the stack. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all file:slurp Data: as- Addr: - Float: - Given an address and a file name, read the file contents into memory starting at the address. Class: class:word | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre here Data: -a Addr: - Float: - Return the next free address in memory. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all listen Data: - Addr: - Float: - "Run interactive ""listener"" (a REPL)." Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: rre n:-zero? Data: n-f Addr: - Float: - Return `TRUE` if number is not zero, or `FALSE` otherwise. Class: class:word | Namespace: n | Interface Layer: all n:to-string Data: n-s Addr: - Float: - Convert a number into a string. Class: class:word | Namespace: n | Interface Layer: all nl Data: - Addr: - Float: - Display a newline. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all repeat Data: - Addr: - Float: - Begin an unconditional loop. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all reset Data: ...- Addr: - Float: - Remove all items from the stack. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all s:put Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Display a string. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all set-hook Data: aa- Addr: - Float: - Patch the hook point in a2 to point to a1. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: :foo hook ; :bar #1 ; &bar &foo set-hook sip Data: nq(?n-?)-n Addr: - Float: - Run quote. After execution completes, put a copy of n back on top of the stack. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all socket:accept Data: n-nn Addr: - Float: - Begin accepting connections. Returns a new socket and an error code. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre socket:bind Data: sn-nn Addr: - Float: - Bind a socket to a port. The port should be a string. Returns 0 if successful or -1 otherwise and an error code. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre socket:close Data: n- Addr: - Float: - Close a socket. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre socket:create Data: -n Addr: - Float: - Obtain a new socket. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre socket:listen Data: nn-nn Addr: - Float: - Prepare a socket for accepting incoming connections. Takes a backlog count (n1) and a socket (n2). Returns a flag (0 success, -1 failed) and an error code. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre socket:send Data: sn-nn Addr: - Float: - Send a string to a socket. This will return the number of characters sent and an error code. Class: class:word | Namespace: socket | Interface Layer: rre store Data: na- Addr: - Float: - Store a value into the specified address. Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: 'Base var #10 &Base store swap Data: nm-mn Addr: - Float: - Exchange the position of the top two items on the stack Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all unhook Data: a- Addr: - Float: - Reset the hook point in a1 to the default definition. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: :foo hook #1 ; :bar #2 ; &bar &foo set-hook &foo unhook var Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Create a variable. The variable is initialized to 0. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: 'Base var {{ Data: - Addr: - Float: - Begin a lexically scoped area. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all }} Data: - Addr: - Float: - End a lexically scoped area. This will hide any headers between `{{` and `---reveal---`, leaving only headers between `---reveal---` and the `}}` visible. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all sigil:! Data: ns- Addr: - Float: - Store a value into a variable. Interpret Time: Store a value into the named variable. Compile Time: Compile the code to store a value into a named variable. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:# Data: s-n Addr: - Float: - Process token as a number. Interpret Time: Convert the string into a number and leave on the stack. Compile Time: Convert the string into a number and compile into the current definition as a literal. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:& Data: s-a Addr: - Float: - Return a pointer to a named item. If name is not found, returns 0. Interpret Time: Lookup name in dictionary, return contents of the xt field on the stack. Compile Time: Lookup name in dictionary, compile code to push the contents of the xt field into the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:' Data: s-s Addr: - Float: - Process token as a string. Interpret Time: Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Compile Time: Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Then compile the string into the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:( Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Process token as a comment. Interpret Time: Discard the string. Compile Time: Discard the string. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:: Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Hook. Process token as a new definition. Interpret Time: Create a header pointing to `here` with the provided string as the name. Sets class to `class:word`. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:@ Data: s-n Addr: - Float: - Fetch from a stored variable. Interpret Time: Fetch a value from a named variable. Compile Time: Compile the code to fetch a value from a named variable into the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all