
  Data:  n-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Store the specified value into the memory at `here` and increment `Heap` by 1.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all

Example #1:

    $a , $b , $c , #0 ,


  Data:  -
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Begin a quotation.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  -
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

End a quotation.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  ns-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Create a constant returning the specified value.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  nq-n
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Temporarily remove n from the stack, execute the quotation, and then restore n to the stack.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  n-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Discard the top value on the stack.

Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  nn-f
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Compare two values for equality. Returns `TRUE` if they are equal or `FALSE` otherwise.

Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all

Example #1:

    #1 #2 eq?
    $a $b eq?


  Data:  -n
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Constant for opening a file in READ mode.

Class: class:data | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  h-c
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Given a file handle, read and return the next character in it.

Class: class:word | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  as-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Given an address and a file name, read the file contents into memory starting at the address.

Class: class:word | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  ss-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Given a string (s1) and a file name (s2), write the string into the file, replacing any existing content.

Class: class:word | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  -a
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Return the next free address in memory.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  -
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Display a newline.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  s-s
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Remove the last character from a string. Returns a new string.

Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  ss-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Create a constant named s2, returning a pointer to s1. This will use `s:keep` to preserve the original string.

Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  ...s-s
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Construct a new string using the template passed and items from the stack.

Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  s-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Display a string.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  n-s
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Given an argument number, return the argument as a string.

Class: class:word | Namespace: script | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  n-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Close a pipe.

Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  sn-n
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Open a pipe. Takes a command to run, and a file mode (`file:R` or `file:W`; `file:R+` may work on some systems). Returns a file ID usable with words in the `file:` namespace.

Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre


  Data:  q(-f)-
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Execute quote repeatedly while the quote returns a value of `FALSE`. The quote should return a flag of either `TRUE` or `FALSE`, though `until` will treat any non-zero value as `TRUE`.

Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all

Example #1:

    #10 [ dup n:put nl n:dec dup n:zero? ] until


  Data:  s-n
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Process token as a number.

Interpret Time:
  Convert the string into a number and leave on the stack.

Compile Time:
  Convert the string into a number and compile into the current definition as a literal.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  s-c
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Process token as an ASCII character.

Interpret Time:
  Fetch first character from string. Leave on stack.

Compile Time:
  Fetch first character from the string. Compile into the current definition as  literal.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  s-a
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Return a pointer to a named item. If name is not found, returns 0.

Interpret Time:
  Lookup name in dictionary, return contents of the xt field on the stack.

Compile Time:
  Lookup name in dictionary, compile code to push the contents of the xt field into the current definition.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all


  Data:  s-s
  Addr:  -
  Float: -

Process token as a string.

Interpret Time:
  Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space.

Compile Time:
  Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Then compile the string into the current definition.

Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all