; Data: - Addr: - Float: - End the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all ASCII:HT Data: -n Addr: - Float: - Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code. Class: class:data | Namespace: ASCII | Interface Layer: all [ Data: - Addr: - Float: - Begin a quotation. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all ] Data: - Addr: - Float: - End a quotation. Class: class:macro | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all a:for-each Data: aq- Addr: - Float: - Execute the quote once for each item in the array. Class: class:word | Namespace: a | Interface Layer: all bi Data: xqq-? Addr: - Float: - Execute q1 against x, then execute q2 against a copy of x. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: #100 [ #10 * ] [ #10 - ] bi curry Data: nq-q Addr: - Float: - Bind a value to a function and return a new quote that calls the bound action. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all drop Data: n- Addr: - Float: - Discard the top value on the stack. Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all dup Data: n-nn Addr: - Float: - Duplicate the top item on the stack. Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all file:R Data: -n Addr: - Float: - Constant for opening a file in READ mode. Class: class:data | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre file:read-line Data: f-s Addr: - Float: - Given a file handle, read a line and return a pointer to it. Class: class:word | Namespace: file | Interface Layer: rre nl Data: - Addr: - Float: - Display a newline. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all s:chop Data: s-s Addr: - Float: - Remove the last character from a string. Returns a new string. Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all s:format Data: ...s-s Addr: - Float: - Construct a new string using the template passed and items from the stack. Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all s:put Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Display a string. Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all s:tokenize Data: sc-a Addr: - Float: - Takes a string and a character to use as a separator. It splits the string into substrings and returns an array containing pointers to each of them. Class: class:word | Namespace: s | Interface Layer: all sp Data: - Addr: - Float: - Display a space (`ASCII:SPACE`) Class: class:word | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all Example #1: :spaces (n-) [ sp ] times ; #12 spaces swap Data: nm-mn Addr: - Float: - Exchange the position of the top two items on the stack Class: class:primitive | Namespace: global | Interface Layer: all unix:for-each-file Data: q- Addr: - Float: - Run a quote once for each file or subdirectory in the current directory. The quote will receive the file name as a string and should consume this and return nothing on the stack. Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre unix:pclose Data: n- Addr: - Float: - Close a pipe. Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre unix:popen Data: sn-n Addr: - Float: - Open a pipe. Takes a command to run, and a file mode (`file:R` or `file:W`; `file:R+` may work on some systems). Returns a file ID usable with words in the `file:` namespace. Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre unix:system Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Runs another application using the system shell and returns after execution is completed. Class: class:word | Namespace: unix | Interface Layer: rre Example #1: 'ls_-lh_/etc unix:system sigil:' Data: s-s Addr: - Float: - Process token as a string. Interpret Time: Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Compile Time: Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Then compile the string into the current definition. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:( Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Process token as a comment. Interpret Time: Discard the string. Compile Time: Discard the string. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all sigil:: Data: s- Addr: - Float: - Hook. Process token as a new definition. Interpret Time: Create a header pointing to `here` with the provided string as the name. Sets class to `class:word`. Class: class:macro | Namespace: sigil | Interface Layer: all