#!/usr/bin/env retro

Atua is a Gopher server written in Retro. I've used it for a few years, but most people don't use Gopher clients these days. This is a variation of Atua that translates the Gopher directories to HTML and speaks enough HTTP to serve files to the bloated browsers in use today.

This will get run as an inetd service, which keeps things simple as it prevents needing to handle socket I/O directly.

Atua-WWW uses Retro's retro-unix interface layer. Designed to run a single program then exit, this makes using Retro very useful on Unix (or Linux, Haiku, or other POSIX-ish systems).


Atua needs to know:

• the path to the files to serve
• the name of the index file
• The maximum length of a selector

~~~'/home/crc/atua 'PATH          s:const '/gophermap     'DEFAULT-INDEX s:const #1024           'MAX-SELECTOR-LENGTH const ~~~

Retro only supports basic output by default. The RRE interface that Atua uses adds support for files and stdin, so we map these to words and provide some other helpers.

The Gopher protocol uses tabs and cr/lf for signficant things. To aid in this, I define output words for tabs and end of line.

~~~:eol  (-)  ASCII:CR c:put ASCII:LF c:put ; ~~~

Input lines end with a cr, lf, or tab. The eol? checks for this. The s:get word could easily be made more generic in terms of what it checks for. This suffices for a Gopher server though.

~~~:eol? (c-f)   [ [ ASCII:CR eq? ]     [ ASCII:LF eq? ]     [ ASCII:SPACE eq? ] tri or or ]   [ $? eq? ] bi or ;   :s:get (a-)   buffer:set   [ c:get dup buffer:add eol? not ] while ; ~~~

~~~{{ ~~~

First up are buffers for the selector string and the file buffer. The variables and buffers are kept private.

~~~'Selector d:create   MAX-SELECTOR-LENGTH n:inc allot :buffer here ; ~~~

Next up, variables to track information related to the requested selector. Atua will construct filenames based on these.

~~~'Requested-File var 'Requested-Index var ~~~

FID, the file id, tracks the open file handle that Atua uses when reading in a file. The Size variable will hold the size of the file (in bytes).

~~~'FID var 'Size var 'Mode var ~~~

I use a Server-Info variable to decide whether or not to display the index footer. This will become a configurable option in the future.

~~~'Server-Info var ~~~

These are just simple accessor words to aid in overall readability.

~~~:requested-file  (-s)  @Requested-File  ; :requested-index (-s)  @Requested-Index ; ~~~

~~~:get-mime-type (s-s)   [ $. s:index/char ] sip +   (textual_files)     '.md    [ 'text/markdown            ] s:case     '.htm   [ 'text/html                ] s:case     '.html  [ 'text/html                ] s:case     '.retro.html [ 'text/html           ] s:case     '.muri.html  [ 'text/html           ] s:case     '.forth.html [ 'text/html           ] s:case     '.css   [ 'text/css                 ] s:case   (image_files)     '.png   [ 'image/png                ] s:case     '.jpg   [ 'image/jpeg               ] s:case     '.jpeg  [ 'image/jpeg               ] s:case     '.gif   [ 'image/gif                ] s:case     '.bmp   [ 'image/bmp                ] s:case   (application_files)     '.pdf   [ 'application/pdf          ] s:case     '.gz    [ 'application/gzip         ] s:case     '.zip   [ 'application/zip          ] s:case     '.json  [ 'application/json         ] s:case     '.js    [ 'application/x-javascript ] s:case     '.xml   [ 'application/xml          ] s:case   drop 'text/plain ; ~~~

~~~:with-path (-s)   PATH &Selector s:chop s:append ;   :construct-filenames (-)   with-path s:keep !Requested-File   with-path '/gophermap s:append s:keep !Requested-Index ; ~~~

A gophermap is a file that makes it easier to handle Gopher menus. Atua's gophermap support covers:

• comment lines

Comment lines are static text without any tabs. They will be reformatted according to protocol and sent.

• selector lines

Any line with a tab is treated as a selector line and is transferred without changing.

~~~'Tab var :eol? [ ASCII:LF eq? ] [ ASCII:CR eq? ] bi or ; :tab? @Tab ; :check-tab   dup ASCII:HT eq? [ &Tab v:on ] if ; :gopher:s:get (a-)   &Tab v:off   buffer:set   [ @FID file:read dup buffer:add check-tab eol? not ] while   buffer:get drop ; ~~~

The internal helpers are now defined, so switch to the part of the namespace that'll be left exposed to the world.

~~~---reveal--- ~~~

An information line s:get a format like:


The gopher:i displays a string in this format. It's used later for the index footer.

~~~:gopher:i (s-)   s:put eol ; ~~~

The gopher:icon displays an indicator for menu items.

~~~:gopher:icon   $0 [ '_TXT__ s:put ] case   $1 [ '[DIR]_ s:put ] case   $2 [ '_CSO__ s:put ] case   $3 [ '_ERR__ s:put ] case   $4 [ '_BIN__ s:put ] case   $5 [ '_BIN__ s:put ] case   $6 [ '_UUE__ s:put ] case   $7 [ '[FND]_ s:put ] case   $8 [ '_TEL__ s:put ] case   $9 [ '_BIN__ s:put ] case   $I [ '_IMG__ s:put ] case   $S [ '_AUD__ s:put ] case   $g [ '_GIF__ s:put ] case   $h [ '_HTM__ s:put ] case   drop '_???__ s:put ; ~~~

~~~:gopher:get-selector (-)   &Selector s:get &Selector s:get ;   (Rewrite_This:_It's_too_big) :gopher:file-for-request (-s)   &Mode v:off   construct-filenames   &Selector s:chop s:length n:-zero?   [ requested-file file:exists?     [ requested-file file:R file:open file:size n:strictly-positive? ] [ FALSE ] choose     [ requested-file ]     [ requested-index file:exists?       [ requested-index &Server-Info v:on  ]       [ PATH '/empty.index.html s:append ] choose     ] choose   ]   [ PATH DEFAULT-INDEX s:append &Server-Info v:on ] choose ;   :gopher:read-file (f-)   file:R file:open !FID   @FID file:size !Size   @Size [ @FID file:read c:put ] times   @FID file:close ; ~~~

~~~:link   dup fetch $h eq? push   dup fetch gopher:icon n:inc   [ ASCII:HT [ #0 ] case ] s:map   dup s:length over + n:inc   pop [ #4 + ] if   '<a_href="%s">%s</a> s:format s:put ;   :gopher:generate-index (f-)   'Content-type:_text/html s:put eol eol   '<!DOCTYPE_HTML_PUBLIC_"-//W3C//DTD_HTML_4.01//EN" s:put sp   '"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> s:put eol   { '<html><head>     '<meta_http-equiv="Content-Type"_content="text/html;_charset=utf-8">     '<link_href=data:,_rel=icon>     '<style_type="text/css">p_{_font-family:_monospace;_white-space:_pre;_}     '_*_{_color:_#bbb;_background:_#090909;_font-size:_large;_}     'a_{_color:_#FF6600;_}     '</style><title>forthworks.com</title></head>   } [ s:put eol ] a:for-each   '<body><p> s:put   file:R file:open !FID   @FID file:size !Size   [ buffer gopher:s:get     buffer tab? [ link eol ] [ gopher:i ] choose     @FID file:tell @Size lt? ] while   @FID file:close   '</p></body></html> s:put ; ~~~

In a prior version of this I used s:put to send the content. That stopped at the first zero value, which kept it from working with binary data. I added gopher:send to send the Size number of bytes to stdout, fixing this issue.

~~~:gopher:send (p-)   requested-file get-mime-type 'Content-type:_ s:put s:put eol eol ; ~~~

The only thing left is the top level server.

~~~:gopher:server   gopher:get-selector   'HTTP/1.0_200_OK s:put eol   gopher:file-for-request   @Server-Info   [ gopher:generate-index ]   [ gopher:send gopher:read-file ] choose ; ~~~

Close off the helper portion of the namespace.

~~~}} ~~~

And run the gopher:server.

~~~gopher:server reset ~~~