#!/usr/bin/env retro
This is a small tool I wrote to let me quickly share code on IRC
or via other channels.
First, get the MD5 of the source. Start by construting a pipe:
~~~#0 script:get-argument 'md5_%s s:format file:R unix:popen 'FID const
Then read in until past the prolog (MD5 filename = ...):
~~~[ FID file:read $= eq? ] until FID file:read drop
And then read in the sum and close the pipe. The sum in kept
in a string constant MD5.
~~~#1000 [ FID file:read , ] here × dip s:chop 'MD5 s:const
FID unix:pclose
Next, I construct string constants for the destination file
and URL's for Gopher and HTTPS.
~~~MD5 '/home/crc/public/share/%s s:format 'DEST s:const
MD5 'http://forth.works/share/%s s:format 'HTTP s:const
MD5 'gopher://forth.works/0/share/%s s:format 'GOPH s:const
Then copy the source file to the destination directory.
~~~here #0 script:get-argument file:slurp here DEST file:spew
And finally display the URL's.
~~~HTTP s:put nl
GOPH s:put nl