#!/usr/bin/env retro


This is an implementation of uudecode in Retro. This takes a file name and renders the decoded data to standard output.

I'm taking shortcuts in implementing this. Since it only writes to the standard output, I'm going to ignore the begin ... header as well as the footer. The words I define here will use pop drop to exit the calling function.

~~~:discard-header dup #0 #5 s:substr 'begin s:eq? 0; pop drop-pair drop ; :discard-empty  dup fetch $` eq? 0; pop drop-pair drop ; :discard-end    dup #0 #3 s:substr 'end   s:eq? 0; pop drop-pair drop ; ~~~

Now for decoding. uuencode bundles three values into four six bit characters. I read in four characters, shifting them into position. The six bit characters are incremented by 32 to make sure they fall into the printable range, so I also decrement them while packing.

~~~:gather   #0 [ fetch-next #32 - #63 and #-18 shift ] dip +      [ fetch-next #32 - #63 and #-12 shift ] dip +      [ fetch-next #32 - #63 and #-6  shift ] dip +      [ fetch-next #32 - #63 and            ] dip + ; ~~~

The decode process then is to take each bundle and split it back into 8-bit characters. This is a simple bit of shifting and masking.

~~~:decode     [ #16 shift #255 and c:put ]     [ #8 shift  #255 and c:put ]     [           #255 and c:put ] tri ; ~~~

Iterating over the input file is fairly straightforward. I'm using the file:for-each-line combinator to take care of splitting the input into lines.

An input line consists of a character indicating the number of unencoded characters in the line and then the encoded data. As with the encoded data, the length is raised by 32 to push it into the printable character set.

~~~:length  fetch-next #32 - ; ~~~

I define a word to iterate over the encoded data in a line. This will divide the actual length by 3, then gather the data and decode it.

~~~:full-line    #3 / [ gather decode ] times drop ; ~~~

Finally, load the file and iterate over each line.

~~~#0 script:get-argument [ s:keep   discard-header discard-empty discard-end   fetch-next #32 - dup #45 eq?   [ full-line ]   [ #3 / [ gather decode ] times  gather decode drop ] choose ] file:for-each-line ~~~