# Namespaces Retro organizes words into *namespaces*. These are short prefix strings at the start of a word name. | Prefix | Contains | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | ASCII: | ASCII character constants for control characters | | buffer: | Words for operating on a simple linear LIFO buffer | | c: | Words for operating on ASCII character data | | class: | Contains class handlers for words | | d: | Words operating on the Dictionary | | err: | Words for handling errors | | n: | Words operating on numeric data | | prefix: | Contains prefix handlers | | s: | Words operating on string data | | set: | Words operating on sets (simple arrays) | | v: | Words operating on variables | | file: | File I/O words | | f: | Floating Point words | | gopher: | Gopher protocol words | | unix: | Unix system call words |